Friday, September 30, 2011

lest we forget : Muhammad al-Durrah

11 years after the heinous murder, the world still watches in the most disgusting silence the tragedy of humanity. I truly can't find the words but all I keep thinking of is the'' what if'' and all the possibilities and alternatives that could have changed the present. We love to forget, to distance ourselves from the pain, but for how long ? it will always come back in different shapes and forms, and it will hurt even more. Muhammad al-Durrah was a child like many other Palestinian children with dreams and hopes and the occasional fun-loving nature. yet, unlike the rest of the world, the future of these children remain unknown as long as we simply stand and watch. 11 years ago, he was caught in crossfire and killed . 11 years later, we still hear of stories about other children whose lives are put to an end before they even start, and nothing really changed. Shame is the word

Muhammad, RIP

Friday, September 23, 2011

Open Art Festival for Young Tunisian Artists

Ar.Tun.Ited est une initiative qui vise a réunir les jeunes artistes tunisiens et leur permettre de s'intégrer dans la société civile artistiquement. Ce projet cherche à créer une communauté solide de jeunes tunisiens qui pourraient, nous l’espérons:
-Promouvoir le rôle de l'Art dans la société tunisienne
-Essayer de se professionnaliser dans leurs différentes spécificités.
Si vous êtes un jeune artiste, un amoureux d'art ou si vous voulez tout simplement en savoir plus sur ce projet,sur nous,jeter un coup d'oeil même furtif sur nos travaux,rendez vous le 24 septembre 2011 à 15h30 à la maison de culture Ibn Khaldoun.