Sunday, January 17, 2010

slumdog millinaire

two weeks ago, i watched this movie, slumdog millionaire. To be honest, i had no expectations whatsoever about the movie , basically because of some unpleasant previous experiences with Indian movies of which i am not a fan. however, i must admit that this movie is one remarkable journey that each one of us should live. India has always amazed me with the diversityof culture and identities it contains. yet i was always sad to learn about the high poverty rates, about the clashes between Muslims and Hindus and other disappointing sides of the life there
the narrative is told in a very refined cinematic style that opens doors of the unknown to you. Questions are indeed answered , but not the questions related to the program. as a matter of fact, the questions that are answered are the ones about us, the human nature , and about who we are by the end of day. these answers, despite being rather primitive, give more insight about life, humanity, and most importantly about the other whom we
tend to forget about

Saturday, January 9, 2010

i woke up this morning feeling terrible, i had enough of what is going on. i have been acting like a defeated soul lately , and i am done with that.

Friday, January 8, 2010

more freedom

the bus staggered through the sleepy streets of the city. i hate this ride as much as i love it. i enjoy the fresh sensation that the morning offers, but i fear the promises that the daylight seems to break... each morning, we lose an infinite particle of a finite existence. those who embrace such a loss,i salute you for the brave attempt to recapture what has been lost
today was yet another day added to a bunch of days that seem to pass unnoticed. i woke up on the faint sound of the alarm clock begging me to turn it off before it is muted by the loss of energy, but i refused to answer this urgent call. instead, i raised the volume to enjoy that momentary moment of awakening which was the fruit of a conflict that i started with my alarm clock, the one i refused to obey out of submission rather than rebellion against the fleeing time. the bus was not delight today. for some reason, there was some air of tediousness that spread its wings over me. at school, i wandered or rather sleepwalked around the place. all the faces are strange, and nothing appeals to me...
the day is over. here i am. i left out a major part of the events that i will be referring to in the coming post due to the sensitivity of the issue and to the fact that i am too sleepy at the moment to write about it.